keskiviikko 4. tammikuuta 2012

Carlos at the top of Aconcagua and now waiting for others

Carlos on top of Aconcagua!
He has been speeding up as it has only taken 6,5 hours for him from the camp 2 via Polish Traverse to the top. Guidebooks usually recommend 10-17h (This to be checked as via short conversation by satellite phone figures can be heard wrongly). Others are little behind of Carlos, who will now wait for the others. Weather is calm, but it is slightly snowing light snow flakes.


2 kommenttia:

  1. Onneksi olkoon Kossu !
    Hieno suoritus kaikilta!

  2. Oho, jopas on Kossu spiidannut.... ei taida paljon puuskuttaa...! ^_^

    Toivottavasti muutkin pääsivät perille!
